The International and Comparative Dimension of Food Law
Date: Friday, February 21th, 2014
Time: 9.30-12.30
Neal Fortin (Professor and Director, Institute for Food Laws & Regulations, Michigan State University)
The Perils of Comparative Food Law: The United States and the European Union
The Perils of Comparative Food Law: The United States and the European Union
Martin Holle (Professor for Food Law and Administrative Law at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)
The Consumer Paradigm in Food Law: Time for a Change?
The Consumer Paradigm in Food Law: Time for a Change?
Francesco Planchenstainer (PhD, Cattolica University of Piacenza, Lawtech Trento)
Legal Responses to Food Safety Emergencies and Crises: A Comparative Assessment of U.S. and E.U. Law
Legal Responses to Food Safety Emergencies and Crises: A Comparative Assessment of U.S. and E.U. Law
For more information, visit here.