Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Student Agriculture Law and Food Law Paper Contest

The Agricultural Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan is proud to present the first 
Student Agricultural Law Symposium
Symposium Date: November 7, 2014, beginning at 9:00 a.m. (lunch included)
Location: Michigan State University College of Law, 648 N. Shaw Lane, East Lansing, Michigan 48824 

Submission Deadline: Postmarked/emailed on or before September 30, 2014
Paper Topic: Agricultural or Food Law Issue
Awards: First Place: $500 Second Place: $250 Third Place: $100

Eligibility: Current law students and recent graduates (graduated Spring 2013 or later) from law schools in Michigan. Students attending any of Michigan’s law schools are welcome to submit a paper.

Symposium Purpose: To encourage student contribution to the field of agricultural and food law by providing a forum for students to present papers to professionals in the agricultural and food law community.

Symposium Format: Students who submitted the top papers will be chosen to present at the symposium. 15-minute presentation to a panel of judges made up of professionals in Michigan's agricultural and food law community; 5-minute question/answer session. Judges will choose a first, second and third place winner.

Submission Guidelines: Students are invited to submit a paper 20/30 pages in length (minimum 5000 words) on an agricultural or food law topic. Students may submit a paper written for a law school seminar or directed research. A review committee will review and select the best papers evidencing relevancy to Michigan agriculture and food industry, quality of research and writing clarity. Students who submitted the top papers will be invited to present at the symposium.
Students are to submit papers to Sarah Harwood. Students should not put their name on their paper but should instead include the last four digits of their phone number on each page. Submit a cover sheet that contains name and contact information, including telephone number. If submitting electronically, include this information in your email.

Sarah Harwood
Abbott, Nicholson, Quilter, Esshaki & Youngblood, P.C. 300 River Place, Suite 3000
Detroit, MI 48207-4225

Please contact Kristiana Coutu, State Bar of Michigan Agricultural Law Section Chair or Brad Deacon, Adjunct Professor (Agriculture Law), Michigan State University College of Law

Symposium Registration: Symposium is free and open to all. Details can also be found on the Agricultural Law Section Website

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

FDA ONLDS Director Opening

The FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) is seeking interested candidates for the Director, Office of Nutrition, Labeling and Dietary Supplements (ONLDS). More information is available here.

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