On Tuesday, 9 a.m., September 8, 2009, Dr. Peter Kareiva, Chief Scientist and Director of Science, The Nature Conservancy, will present, The Work of The Nature Conservancy and the role for University-TNC Partnerships” at the Kellogg Center Auditorium, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
Dr. Peter Kareiva moved to TNC after 20 years as a university professor and three years working on salmon conservation for NOAA Fisheries. His past publications and research have concerned such diverse fields as mathematical biology, fisheries science, insect ecology, risk analysis, genetically engineered organisms, agricultural ecology, population viability analysis, behavioral ecology, landscape ecology, and global climate change. For publications and more details: http://www.nature.org/tncscience/scientists/misc/kareiva.html.